Clean Energy Fuels Australia
We build, own, and operate
integrated clean energy
solutions for remote mining
operations, communities
and industry in Australia.
Towards greater energy
Clean Energy Fuels Australia (CEFA) is an established Perth based company, supported by I Squared Capital (I Squared), developing small scale Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) infrastructure assets in Australia.
Typical fuel cost savings
Versus diesel.
Typical CO2-e savings
Versus diesel.
Experienced Team
80+ Years
Combined experience in energy.
CEFA project pipeline
$250+ million
Project worth in USD.
LNG delivery radius
1,000+ km
Delivery radius by road.
LNG delivery experience
1,000,000+ km
On Australian roads.
Clean Energy Fuels Australia

Experienced energy industry professionals supporting Australian industries since 2012.
Founder, GM Development
David has a degree in Business Studies and a background in energy and transportation. He held various senior management positions within the transport sector in the UK before moving to Australia where he has over a decade of off-grid energy industry experience.